Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Price reductions

HOME SELLER TIP: The best time to make a price reduction is as soon as you discover that your home is priced too high for the market. Waiting too long to lower the price can cost money in the long run if the market is moving lower. Reducing too little, too late can lead to a series of further reductions and ultimately to a lower selling price. Ideally, you should avoid such an unpleasant downward spiral.

The goal is to sell without having to reduce the price. To do this, you must accept current market conditions. You also need to recognize that no matter how wonderful you think your home is a buyer will find fault with it.

To be a successful seller in this market -- and to some extent in any market -- requires separating pride of ownership in the property from the task as hand, which is to sell for the highest price possible. It's not easy for most sellers to put their emotional feelings about their home on ice. It helps to stop thinking of the property as "home" and to start looking at it as a commodity you want to sell.

Before listing a property for sale, sellers should seriously consider their motivation. Successful sellers in today's more difficult marketplaces have a compelling need to sell. They don't simply want to sell if someone will make it worth their while. Many of today's prospective home buyers have a wait-and-see attitude about the market. They are looking, but it will take a fabulous home offered at a great price before they'll commit to buy.

Sellers should also check out the temperature of the local market. Residential real estate is a localized business. Even if you live in a city where prices are down, that might not be the case in your neighborhood. The supply of homes for sale and demand for housing are critical variables, as is the local employment picture.

There is a common theme to the listings that sell well now. These listings look great, are in good condition, don't have incurable defects and are priced right for the market.

Being realistic about what to expect is half the battle.

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